Deep Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

Deep learning thesis applied to astrophysics (GammaLearn)

Author Under the supervision of
Michaël Dell'aiera Thomas Vuillaume (LAPP)
Alexandre Benoit (LISTIC)

Presentation outline

  • Introduction: Gamma-ray astronomy, Principle of detection and Workflow
  • Deep Learning applied to CTA, preceding results
  • Domain adaptation: state-of-the-art, selection and validation of the implemented methods
  • Domain adaptation applied to simulated data
  • Domain adaptation applied to real data
  • Vision Transformers
  • Training, Talks & Articles
  • Conclusion, perspectives

Introdution: Gamma-ray astronomy, Principle of detection and Workflow


[GammaLearn]( born in 2017 from a collaboration between: * The Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules ([LAPP]( * The Laboratoire d'Informatique, Systèmes, Traitement de l'Information et de la Connaissance ([LISTIC]( * [Orobix]( Fostering innovating methods in artificial intelligence for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) image processing
Takes part in the European [EOSC Future]( (previously ESCAPE) programme: * Share and develop solutions to commonly faced issues for both astronomical and particle physics experiments * EOSC Future Work Package 6 (WP6): deliver novel analysis pipelines for the CTA data. * Open-source software

The gamma-ray astronomy

Study of the **high-energy gamma sources** in the Universe. * Understanding the mechanisms for particle accelerations * The role that accelerated particles play in feedback on star formation and galaxy evolution * Studing physical processes are at work close to neutron stars and black holes

From left to right: Supernova, black hole and dark matter. Images from the CTAO website.

VERITAS Observatory (website)

Image credit: [Wikipedia](

MAGIC Observatory (website)

Image credit: [MAGIC website](

HESS Observatory (website)

Image credit: [Wikipedia](

CTA Observatory (website)

Image credit: [CTA Flickr](

Gamma-ray astronomy

Electromagnetic spectrum.

Principle of detection

Summary of the principle of detection.



Figure of merits for model evaluation

From left to right: Energy (angular) resolution and bias, AUC, θ² and significance σ.


- Application of deep learning to the CTA project - Inverse problem resolution: Given the acquisitions, recover the physical properties - Full-event reconstruction: - Energy of the particle - Direction of arrival - Type, restricted to gamma and proton - Single telescope analysis: LST-1, no stereoscopy - Gamma / Proton separation

Deep Learning applied to CTA, preceding results

Standard analysis: Hillas+RF

The Hillas algorithm.

* Assumption: the integrated signal has an elliptical shape * Extract geometrical features from the image * Completed with Random Forest for the classification & regression * Pros: Fast and robust * Cons: Lack sensitivity at low energies → Baseline, expect to improve sensitivity with deep learning


The γ-PhysNet architecture for full-event reconstruction. The encoder is a ResNet augmented with attention mechanisms. The hexagonal telescope images are interpolated on a regular grid.





Results on MC simulations (published)

Comparison of different IRFs between γ-PhysNet and Hillas+RF on simulated data.
Left : ROC curves of the particle classification. Right : Effective collection area as a function of the true energy. In both cases, higher is better.

Results on MC simulations (published)

Comparison of different IRFs between γ-PhysNet and Hillas+RF on simulated data.
Left : Energy resolution as a function of the true energy. Right : Angular resolution as a function of the true energy. In both cases, lower is better.

Results on Crab Nebula & Markarian 501 (published)

Markarian 501 detection. Left : Hillas + RF. Right : γ-PhysNet.
γ-PhysNet detects more events but the area of detection is not centred on the real position.

The challenging transition from MC to real data

Simulations are only close approximations of the reality.

NSB charge distributions.

Non-trivial direct application to real data * The NSB varies * Other dissimilarities: Stars, dysfunctioning pixels, fog on camera, ... **→ Degraded performance**

Addition of Poisson noise to NSB (standard analysis) * Hard to adapt run by run * Misses other dissimilarities **→ Limited improvements**


* γ-PhysNet outperforms Hillas+RF on MC and on real data in controlled environment * But performances on real data could be improved (domain shift) **These objective**: → Based on the current γ-PhysNet, implement a deep learning approach to tackle the domain shift between simulations and real data.

Domain adaptation: state-of-the-art, selection and validation of the implemented methods

Domain adaptation

Set of algorithms and techniques which aims to reduce domain discrepancies.

Illustration of domain adaptation.
**Advantages :** - Very close to the data - Takes into account unknown differences → Robustly minimises discrepancies between MC and real data


a. Discrepancy-based architecture
b. Generative architecture
c. Discriminative architecture
d. Self-supervised architecture

Source: [Authors' article](

Selection of the methods

a. Discrepancy-based architecture
* Domain Adversarial Neural Network ([DANN](
c. Discriminative architecture
* Deep Joint Distribution Optimal Transport ([DeepJDOT]( * Deep Correlation Alignment ([DeepCORAL]( * Deep Adaptation Networks ([DAN](

* GAN are not suitable due to label shifts * Well-known approaches * Self-supervised architecture: last year of the PhD

Domain Adversarial Neural Network (DANN)

The DANN architecture. Source: Authors' article.

Validation of the selected methods

Validation of the domain adaptation methods on domain adaptation benchmark digits datasets. The indice b refers to balancing.

Measure of discrepancy: A-distance

* [A-distance]( measure of discrepancy between distributions * Computed by minimizing the empirical risk of a classifier that discriminates between instances drawn from Source and Target

1st step: train backbone
2nd step: train domain classifier

Measure of discrepancy: A-distance

* [A-distance]( measure of discrepancy between distributions * Computed by minimizing the empirical risk of a classifier that discriminates between instances drawn from Source and Target

1st step: train backbone
2nd step: train domain classifier

Measure of discrepancy: A-distance

TSNE resulting from the vanilla encoder illustrating the class labels.
TSNE resulting from the vanilla encoder illustrating the domain labels.

Measure of discrepancy: A-distance

TSNE resulting from the DANN encoder illustrating the class labels.
TSNE resulting from the DANN encoder illustrating the domain labels.

Measure of discrepancy: A-distance

TSNE resulting from the classifier with freezed trained vanilla backbone

Ground truth

Accuracy = 0.9901123 A-distance = 1.9604492

Measure of discrepancy: A-distance

TSNE resulting from classifier with freezed trained DANN backbone

Ground truth

Accuracy = 0.7322998 A-distance = 0.9291992


* Wide state-of-the-art * Selection, implementation and validation of four methods: * DANN * DeepJDOT * DeepCORAL * DAN * Integration of domain adaptation in the multi-task balancing * Application of the A-distance to the CTA simulations and real data

Domain adaptation applied to simulated data


Using IRF calculation from LST Crab performance paper with gamma efficiency = 0.7

prod5 trans80, alt=20deg, az=180deg




MC+Poisson(0.4) (MC*)
MC+Poisson(0.4) (MC*)

Use labels to characterize domain adaptation

Application to MC: γ-PhysNet + DANN

Application to MC: γ-PhysNet + DANN

Application to MC: γ-PhysNet + DANN

Application to MC: γ-PhysNet + DANN

Application to MC: γ-PhysNet + DANN

Application to MC

AUC as a function of the reconstructed energy. Higher is better.

Application to MC

AUC as a function of the reconstructed energy. Higher is better.

Application to MC

Energy resolution as a function of the reconstructed energy. Lower is better.

Application to MC

Energy resolution as a function of the reconstructed energy. Lower is better.

Application to MC

Energy bias as a function of the reconstructed energy.

Application to MC

Energy bias as a function of the reconstructed energy.

Application to MC

Angular resolution as a function of the reconstructed energy. Lower is better.

Application to MC

Angular resolution as a function of the reconstructed energy. Lower is better.

Loss balancing: worst scenario

Comparison of the four multi-loss balancing methods.

Loss balancing: best scenario

Comparison of the four multi-loss balancing methods.

Loss balancing: DANN

Comparison of the four multi-loss balancing methods.

Label shifts

IRFs with only MC protons in targets.


* Domain adaptation successfully tackles the discrepencies on simulations * Don't take into account the label shifts between sources and targets * Results submitted and accepted in the [CBMI 2023 conference](

Domain adaptation applied to real data

Domain adaptation applied to the Crab Nebula: Setup

Crab Nebula 6894 & 6895




MC+Poisson (MC*)

Real data

ratio=1γ for > 1000p
Real data

Application to real data: γ-PhysNet + DANN conditional

Application to real data: γ-PhysNet + DANN conditional

Application to real data: γ-PhysNet + DANN conditional

Application to real data: γ-PhysNet + DANN conditional

Application to real data: γ-PhysNet + DANN conditional

Domain adaptation applied to the Crab Nebula: Results

Premilinary results. Left to right: lstchain, γ-PhysNet, γ-PhysNet-DANN. Encouraging results with more extensive tests to come.

Correction of label shifts

IRFs with injection of MC gammas in real targets. The results on the Crab using this method are not yet available.

Integration of domain adaptation in multi-loss balancing

Domain adaptation and multi-loss balancing.

More specifically for DANN

Comparison of the different DANN.


* Number of excess gammas decreasing but improved significance σ compared to standard analysis * Tested on training data MC*, will be tested on MC * Domain shift problem between MC and real data: * DANN conditional * MC Gamma injection in real targets * Domain adaptation and multi-loss balancing in the context of real data not functional * More sources will be tested

Vision Transformers

Vision Transformers

* First developped for NLP, then introduced in CV applications * CNN: Translation invariance and locality * Vision Transformers (ViT): * Rely on attention mechanisms * Suffer from inductive bias * Training on large datasets (14M-300M images) surpasses inductive biase * Masked Auto-Encoder (MAE): * Used as pre-training to foster generalization * Images suffer from spatial redundancy * A very high masking ratio is applied (75%) * Then: fine-tune

Vision Transformers

The Vision Transformers (ViT) architecture. Source: Authors' article.

Masked auto-encoder architecture

The MAE architecture. Source: Authors' article.

Application of MAE to LST images

The preprocessing step to convert LST images into patches.







Swin Transformers

The Swin Transformers architecture. Source: Authors' article.

Training, Talks & Articles


Cours scientifiques et techniques (88h / 40h) * Statlearn: challenging problems in statistical learning (04 avril 2022) Société Française de Statistique à Cargèse (21h) * Formation FIDLE «Introduction au Deep Learning» (25 novembre 2021) CNRS - DevLOG / RESINFO / SARI / IDRIS, en ligne (27h) * ESCAPE Data Science Summer School 2022 (20 juin 2022 - 24 juin 2022) ESCAPE Consortium, Annecy (40h)

Formation transversale (7h / 40h) * Anglais scientifique: améliorer la fluidité de ses présentations ORALES (08 décembre 2022 - 8 décembre 2022) CNRS, Grenoble (7h)

Formation à l'insertion professionnelle (en cours de validation) * 1ère année: ~30h équivalement TD * 2ème année: ~60h équivalement TD * 3ème année: en cours

Talks & Articles

Talks * LST meeting Barcelone * LST meeting Munich * Workshop Machine Learning in2p3 Paris * CBMI à venir (20-22 septembre)

Articles (accepted) * CBMI 2023 Articles (to be published) * CBMI version étendue (dans MTAP / Springer) * ADASS for the application on other known sources

Conclusion & Perspectives

Timeline for the last year

Conclusion & Perspectives

    Novel technique to solve MC vs real data discreprency: * Validated on the digit domain adaptation benchmark * Tested on MC: Promising results submitted and accepted by the CBMI conference * Ongoing application to real data: The Crab Nebula * Application on other real sources * Transformers


- This project is supported by the facilities offered by the Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc - CNRS/IN2P3 MUST computing center - This project was granted access to the HPC resources of IDRIS under the allocation 2020-AD011011577 made by GENCI - This project is supported by the computing and data processing ressources from the CNRS/IN2P3 Computing Center (Lyon - France) - We gratefully acknowledge the support of the NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of one NVIDIA P6000 GPU for this research. - We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the agencies and organizations listed [here](\_acknowledgment). - This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 653477 - This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824064