Source code for gammalearn.steps

import torch
from gammalearn.utils import BaseW
from gammalearn.criterions import DANNLoss

[docs]def get_training_step_mae(**kwargs): def training_step_mae(module, batch): """ The training operations for one batch for vanilla mt learning Parameters ---------- module: LightningModule batch Returns ------- """ # Load data images = batch['image'] if kwargs['add_pointing']: pointing = torch.stack((batch['dl1_params']['alt_tel'], batch['dl1_params']['az_tel']), dim=1).to(torch.float32) loss =, pointing) else: loss = if module.experiment.regularization is not None: loss += module.experiment.regularization['function']( * module.experiment.regularization['weight'] return None, None, {'autoencoder': loss.detach().item()}, loss return training_step_mae
[docs]def get_eval_step_mae(**kwargs): def validation_step_mae(module, batch): """ The training operations for one batch for vanilla mt learning Parameters ---------- module: LightningModule batch Returns ------- """ # Load data images = batch['image'] if kwargs['add_pointing']: pointing = torch.stack((batch['dl1_params']['alt_tel'], batch['dl1_params']['az_tel']), dim=1).to(torch.float32) loss =, pointing) else: loss = return None, None, {'autoencoder': loss.detach().item()}, loss return validation_step_mae
[docs]def get_training_step_mt(**kwargs): def training_step_mt(module, batch): """ The training operations for one batch for vanilla mt learning Parameters ---------- module: LightningModule batch Returns ------- """ # Load data data = run_model(module, batch, False, kwargs.get('add_pointing', False)) outputs = data['outputs_source'] labels = data['labels_source'] dl1_params = data['dl1_params_source'] # Compute loss loss, loss_data = module.experiment.LossComputing.compute_loss(outputs, labels, module) loss = module.experiment.loss_balancing(loss, module) loss = sum(loss.values()) if module.experiment.regularization is not None: loss += module.experiment.regularization['function']( * module.experiment.regularization['weight'] return outputs, labels, loss_data, loss return training_step_mt
[docs]def get_training_step_dann(**kwargs): def training_step_dann(module, batch): """ The training operations for one batch Parameters ---------- module: LightningModule batch Returns ------- """ # Load data data = run_model(module, batch, False, kwargs.get('add_pointing', False)) output = data['outputs_source'] labels = data['labels_source'] dl1_params = data['dl1_params_source'] # Add the target domain into the output and labels output['domain_class'] =[output['domain_class'], data['outputs_target']['domain_class']]) labels['domain_class'] =[labels['domain_class'], data['labels_target']['domain_class']]) # Update domain loss mask if necessary if DANNLoss.fetch_domain_conditional_from_targets(module.experiment.targets): # If domain conditional is True labels_class =[data['labels_source']['class'], data['labels_target']['class']]) # Get labels DANNLoss.set_domain_loss_mask_from_targets(module.experiment.targets, labels_class) # Set mask # Compute loss loss, loss_data = module.experiment.LossComputing.compute_loss(output, labels, module) loss = module.experiment.loss_balancing(loss, module) loss = sum(loss.values()) return output, labels, loss_data, loss return training_step_dann
[docs]def get_training_step_deepjdot(**kwargs): def training_step_deepjdot(module, batch): """ The training operations for one batch Parameters ---------- module batch Returns ------- """ # Load data data = run_model(module, batch, True, kwargs.get('add_pointing', False)) output = data['outputs_source'] labels = data['labels_source'] dl1_params = data['dl1_params_source'] # The alignment task is optimized using the latent features of the source and the target. output['deepjdot'] = data['latent_features'][0] labels['deepjdot'] = data['latent_features'][1] # Compute loss loss, loss_data = module.experiment.LossComputing.compute_loss(output, labels, module) loss = module.experiment.loss_balancing(loss, module) loss = sum(loss.values()) if module.experiment.regularization is not None: loss += module.experiment.regularization['function']( * module.experiment.regularization['weight'] return output, labels, loss_data, loss return training_step_deepjdot
[docs]def get_training_step_deepcoral(**kwargs): def training_step_deepcoral(module, batch): """ The training operations for one batch for vanilla mt learning Parameters ---------- module: LightningModule batch Returns ------- """ # Load data data = run_model(module, batch, True, kwargs.get('add_pointing', False)) output = data['outputs_source'] labels = data['labels_source'] dl1_params = data['dl1_params_source'] output['deepcoral'] = data['latent_features'][0] labels['deepcoral'] = data['latent_features'][1] # Compute loss loss, loss_data = module.experiment.LossComputing.compute_loss(output, labels, module) loss = module.experiment.loss_balancing(loss, module) loss = sum(loss.values()) if module.experiment.regularization is not None: loss += module.experiment.regularization['function']( * module.experiment.regularization['weight'] return output, labels, loss_data, loss return training_step_deepcoral
[docs]def get_training_step_mkmmd(**kwargs): def training_step_mkmmd(module, batch): """ The training operations for one batch for vanilla mt learning Parameters ---------- module: LightningModule batch Returns ------- """ # Load data data = run_model(module, batch, True, kwargs.get('add_pointing', False)) output = data['outputs_source'] labels = data['labels_source'] dl1_params = data['dl1_params_source'] output['mkmmd'] = data['latent_features'][0] labels['mkmmd'] = data['latent_features'][1] # Compute loss loss, loss_data = module.experiment.LossComputing.compute_loss(output, labels, module) loss = module.experiment.loss_balancing(loss, module) loss = sum(loss.values()) if module.experiment.regularization is not None: loss += module.experiment.regularization['function']( * module.experiment.regularization['weight'] return output, labels, loss_data, loss return training_step_mkmmd
[docs]def get_training_step_mt_gradient_penalty(**kwargs): def training_step_mt_gradient_penalty(module, batch): """ The training operations for one batch for vanilla mt learning with gradient penalty Parameters ---------- module: LightningModule batch Returns ------- """ # Load data images = batch['image'] labels = batch['label'] images.requires_grad = True if kwargs.get('add_pointing', False): pointing = torch.stack((batch['dl1_params']['alt_tel'], batch['dl1_params']['az_tel']), dim=1) output ={'data': images, 'pointing': pointing}) else: output = # Compute loss loss, loss_data = module.experiment.LossComputing.compute_loss(output, labels, module) loss = module.experiment.loss_balancing(loss, module) loss = sum(loss.values()) if module.experiment.regularization is not None: gradient_x = torch.autograd.grad(loss, images, retain_graph=True)[0] penalty = torch.mean((torch.norm(gradient_x.view(gradient_x.shape[0], -1), 2, dim=1) - 1) ** 2) loss += penalty * module.experiment.regularization['weight'] return output, labels, loss_data, loss return training_step_mt_gradient_penalty
[docs]def get_eval_step_mt(**kwargs): def eval_step_mt(module, batch): """ The validating operations for one batch Parameters ---------- module batch Returns ------- """ # Load data data = run_model(module, batch, False, kwargs.get('add_pointing', False)) outputs = data['outputs_source'] labels = data['labels_source'] dl1_params = data['dl1_params_source'] # Compute loss and quality measures loss, loss_data = module.experiment.LossComputing.compute_loss(outputs, labels, module) loss = module.experiment.loss_balancing(loss, module) loss = sum(loss.values()) return outputs, labels, loss_data, loss return eval_step_mt
[docs]def get_eval_step_dann(**kwargs): def eval_step_dann(module, batch): """ The validating operations for one batch Parameters ---------- module batch Returns ------- """ # Load data data = run_model(module, batch, False, kwargs.get('add_pointing', False)) output = data['outputs_source'] labels = data['labels_source'] dl1_params = data['dl1_params_source'] # Add the target domain into the output and labels output['domain_class'] =[output['domain_class'], data['outputs_target']['domain_class']]) labels['domain_class'] =[labels['domain_class'], data['labels_target']['domain_class']]) # Update domain loss mask if necessary if DANNLoss.fetch_domain_conditional_from_targets(module.experiment.targets): # If domain conditional is True labels_class =[data['labels_source']['class'], data['labels_target']['class']]) # Get labels DANNLoss.set_domain_loss_mask_from_targets(module.experiment.targets, labels_class) # Set mask # Compute loss loss, loss_data = module.experiment.LossComputing.compute_loss(output, labels, module) loss = module.experiment.loss_balancing(loss, module) loss = sum(loss.values()) return output, labels, loss_data, loss return eval_step_dann
[docs]def get_eval_step_deepjdot(**kwargs): def eval_step_deepjdot(module, batch): """ The validating operations for one batch Parameters ---------- module batch Returns ------- """ # Load data data = run_model(module, batch, True, kwargs.get('add_pointing', False)) output = data['outputs_source'] labels = data['labels_source'] dl1_params = data['dl1_params_source'] # The alignment task is optimized using the latent features of the source and the target. output['deepjdot'] = data['latent_features'][0] labels['deepjdot'] = data['latent_features'][1] # Compute loss loss, loss_data = module.experiment.LossComputing.compute_loss(output, labels, module) loss = module.experiment.loss_balancing(loss, module) loss = sum(loss.values()) if module.experiment.regularization is not None: loss += module.experiment.regularization['function']( * module.experiment.regularization['weight'] return output, labels, loss_data, loss return eval_step_deepjdot
[docs]def get_eval_step_deepcoral(**kwargs): def eval_step_deepcoral(module, batch): """ The validating operations for one batch Parameters ---------- module batch Returns ------- """ # Load data data = run_model(module, batch, True, kwargs.get('add_pointing', False)) output = data['outputs_source'] labels = data['labels_source'] dl1_params = data['dl1_params_source'] output['deepcoral'] = data['latent_features'][0] labels['deepcoral'] = data['latent_features'][1] # Compute loss loss, loss_data = module.experiment.LossComputing.compute_loss(output, labels, module) loss = module.experiment.loss_balancing(loss, module) loss = sum(loss.values()) if module.experiment.regularization is not None: loss += module.experiment.regularization['function']( * module.experiment.regularization['weight'] return output, labels, loss_data, loss return eval_step_deepcoral
[docs]def get_eval_step_mkmmd(**kwargs): def eval_step_mkmmd(module, batch): """ The validating operations for one batch Parameters ---------- module batch Returns ------- """ # Load data data = run_model(module, batch, True, kwargs.get('add_pointing', False)) output = data['outputs_source'] labels = data['labels_source'] dl1_params = data['dl1_params_source'] output['mkmmd'] = data['latent_features'][0] labels['mkmmd'] = data['latent_features'][1] # Compute loss loss, loss_data = module.experiment.LossComputing.compute_loss(output, labels, module) loss = module.experiment.loss_balancing(loss, module) loss = sum(loss.values()) if module.experiment.regularization is not None: loss += module.experiment.regularization['function']( * module.experiment.regularization['weight'] return output, labels, loss_data, loss return eval_step_mkmmd
[docs]def get_test_step_mt(**kwargs): def test_step_mt(module, batch): """ The test operations for one batch Parameters ---------- module batch Returns ------- """ data = run_model(module, batch, True, kwargs.get('add_pointing', False), train=False) outputs = data['outputs_source'] labels = data['labels_source'] dl1_params = batch.get('dl1_params', None) return outputs, labels, dl1_params return test_step_mt
[docs]def run_model(module, batch, requires_latent_features=False, requires_pointing=False, forward_params=None, train=True): """ If the training is not in the context of domain adaptation, the information will be stored in xxx_source. Parameters ---------- module: () The current module. batch: (torch.tensor) The current batch of data. requires_latent_features: (bool) Creates a hook to get the latent space. The model must respect the following design rule and have either a '' or a '' component. requires_pointing: (bool) Whether to include the pointing information as the model's argument. forward_params: (dict) Allows to pass the model's forward function extra parameters. The model must respect the corresponding design rule of the model's forward function. train: (bool) Whether the current step is a training or a test step. """ hook = None # To fetch latent features latent_features = [] if requires_latent_features: # Define hook to get latent features def get_latent_features(module, input, output): if isinstance(output, (tuple, list)): # UNet encoder outputs a tuple, and the latent space is located in the last element of the tuple latent_features.append(output[-1]) else: latent_features.append(output) if 'main_task' in module.experiment.net_parameters_dic['parameters']: # When DANN is used, it creates a 'main_task'. if hasattr(, 'feature'): hook = else: # When DANN is not used (for example, a single UNet encoder). if hasattr(, 'feature'): hook = # Load data inputs_source = inputs_target = None labels_source = labels_target = None outputs_target = None dl1_params_source = dl1_params_target = None if 'image' in batch.keys(): # No domain adaptation inputs_source = batch['image'] # Nx...xCxWxH -> N'xCxWxH inputs_source = inputs_source.flatten(end_dim=-4) if len(inputs_source.shape) > 3 else inputs_source if 'image_source' in batch.keys(): inputs_source = batch['image_source'] # Nx...xCxWxH -> N'xCxWxH inputs_source = inputs_source.flatten(end_dim=-4) if len(inputs_source.shape) > 3 else inputs_source if 'image_target' in batch.keys(): inputs_target = batch['image_target'] # Nx...xCxWxH -> N'xCxWxH inputs_target = inputs_target.flatten(end_dim=-4) if len(inputs_target.shape) > 3 else inputs_target if 'label' in batch.keys(): # No domain adaptation labels_source = batch['label'] if 'label_source' in batch.keys(): labels_source = batch['label_source'] if 'label_target' in batch.keys(): labels_target = batch['label_target'] if 'dl1_params' in batch.keys(): # No domain adaptation dl1_params_source = batch['dl1_params'] if 'dl1_params_source' in batch.keys(): dl1_params_source = batch['dl1_params_source'] if 'dl1_params_target' in batch.keys(): dl1_params_target = batch['dl1_params_target'] forward_params = {} if forward_params is None else forward_params pointing_source = pointing_target = None if requires_pointing: # Include the altitude - azimuth (alt - az) information into the network. if 'dl1_params' in batch.keys(): alt_tel = batch['dl1_params']['alt_tel'] az_tel = batch['dl1_params']['az_tel'] pointing_source = torch.stack((alt_tel, az_tel), dim=1).to(torch.float32) if 'dl1_params_source' in batch.keys(): alt_tel = batch['dl1_params_source']['alt_tel'] az_tel = batch['dl1_params_source']['az_tel'] pointing_source = torch.stack((alt_tel, az_tel), dim=1).to(torch.float32) if 'dl1_params_target' in batch.keys(): alt_tel = batch['dl1_params_target']['alt_tel'] az_tel = batch['dl1_params_target']['az_tel'] pointing_target = torch.stack((alt_tel, az_tel), dim=1).to(torch.float32) # Include gradient weighting if applied for _, v in module.experiment.targets.items(): if v.get('grad_weight', None) is not None: if isinstance(v['grad_weight'], BaseW): forward_params['grad_weight'] = v['grad_weight'].get_weight(module.trainer) else: forward_params['grad_weight'] = v['grad_weight'] forward_params['pointing'] = pointing_source outputs_source =, **forward_params) if inputs_target is not None: forward_params['pointing'] = pointing_target outputs_target =, **forward_params) if hook is not None: # Remove hook to avoid accumulation hook.remove() output_dict = { 'inputs_source': inputs_source, 'inputs_target': inputs_target, 'labels_source': labels_source, 'labels_target': labels_target, 'dl1_params_source': dl1_params_source, 'dl1_params_target': dl1_params_target, 'outputs_source': outputs_source, 'outputs_target': outputs_target, 'latent_features': latent_features, } return output_dict