Source code for gammalearn.criterions

import logging

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F
from pytorch_lightning import LightningModule
import gammalearn.utils as utils
import ot
from typing import List, Dict

[docs]def cross_entropy_loss(output, target, weight): return F.cross_entropy(output, target.long(), weight)
[docs]def cross_entropy_loss_nn(output, target): return nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=-1)(output, target.long())
[docs]def nll_nn(output, target): return nn.NLLLoss(ignore_index=-1)(output, target.long())
[docs]def angular_separation_loss(reduce='mean'): def loss_function(output, target): """ Compute the mean angular separation loss between 2 directions Parameters ---------- output (Tensor) : output of the net for direction regression target (Tensor) : labels for direction regression Returns ------- Loss """ logger = logging.getLogger('angular separation loss') logger.debug('output size : {}'.format(output.size())) try: assert output.size() == target.size() except AssertionError as err: logger.exception('Output and target shapes must be the same but are {} and {}'.format(output.size(), target.size())) raise err alt1 = output[:, 0] try: assert > 0 except AssertionError as err: logger.exception('reconstructed alt must have at least 1 element but have {}'.format( raise err try: assert not np.isnan(np.sum( except AssertionError as err: logger.exception('alt1 has NaN value(s) : {}'.format( raise err logger.debug('mean on {} elements'.format( az1 = output[:, 1] try: assert not np.isnan(np.sum( except AssertionError as err: logger.exception('az1 has NaN value(s) : {}'.format( raise err alt2 = target[:, 0] try: assert not np.isnan(np.sum( except AssertionError as err: logger.exception('alt2 has NaN value(s) : {}'.format( raise err az2 = target[:, 1] try: assert not np.isnan(np.sum( except AssertionError as err: logger.exception('az2 has NaN value(s) : {}'.format( raise err loss_cos = (torch.mul(torch.mul(alt1.cos(), alt2.cos()), (az1 - az2).cos()) + torch.mul(alt1.sin(), alt2.sin())) try: assert not np.isnan(np.sum( except AssertionError as err: logger.exception('loss_cos has NaN value(s) : {}'.format( raise err # the loss_coss needs to be < 1 for the gradient not to be inf loss = loss_cos.clamp(min=-0.999999, max=0.999999).acos() if reduce == 'mean': loss = loss.sum() / elif reduce == 'sum': loss = loss.sum() try: assert not np.isnan(np.sum( except AssertionError as err: logger.exception('loss has NaN value(s) : {}'.format( raise err return loss return loss_function
# From
[docs]def one_hot(labels, num_classes, device=None, dtype=None, eps=1e-6): r"""Converts an integer label 2D tensor to a one-hot 3D tensor. Args: labels (torch.Tensor) : tensor with labels of shape :math:`(N, H, W)`, where N is batch siz. Each value is an integer representing correct classification. num_classes (int): number of classes in labels. device (Optional[torch.device]): the desired device of returned tensor. Default: if None, uses the current device for the default tensor type (see torch.set_default_tensor_type()). device will be the CPU for CPU tensor types and the current CUDA device for CUDA tensor types. dtype (Optional[torch.dtype]): the desired data type of returned tensor. Default: if None, infers data type from values. eps Returns: torch.Tensor: the labels in one hot tensor. """ if not torch.is_tensor(labels): raise TypeError("Input labels type is not a torch.Tensor. Got {}" .format(type(labels))) if not len(labels.shape) == 1: raise ValueError("Invalid depth shape, we expect B. Got: {}" .format(labels.shape)) if not labels.dtype == torch.int64: raise ValueError( "labels must be of the same dtype torch.int64. Got: {}" .format( labels.dtype)) if num_classes < 1: raise ValueError("The number of classes must be bigger than one." " Got: {}".format(num_classes)) batch_size = labels.shape[0] one_h = torch.zeros(batch_size, num_classes, device=device, dtype=dtype) return one_h.scatter_(1, labels.unsqueeze(1), 1.0) + eps
[docs]def focal_loss(x, target, gamma=2.0, reduction='none'): r"""Function that computes Focal loss. See :class:`~kornia.losses.FocalLoss` for details. """ if not torch.is_tensor(x): raise TypeError("Input type is not a torch.Tensor. Got {}" .format(type(x))) if not len(x.shape) == 2: raise ValueError("Invalid input shape, we expect BxC. Got: {}" .format(x.shape)) if not x.device == target.device: raise ValueError( "input and target must be in the same device. Got: {}" .format( x.device, target.device)) # network outputs logsoftmax. # create the labels one hot tensor target_one_hot = one_hot(target, num_classes=x.shape[1], device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype) # compute the actual focal loss weight = torch.pow(-torch.exp(x) + 1., gamma) focal = - weight * x loss_tmp = torch.sum(target_one_hot * focal, dim=1) if reduction == 'none': loss = loss_tmp elif reduction == 'mean': loss = torch.mean(loss_tmp) elif reduction == 'sum': loss = torch.sum(loss_tmp) else: raise NotImplementedError("Invalid reduction mode: {}" .format(reduction)) return loss
[docs]class FocalLoss(nn.Module): r"""Criterion that computes Focal loss. According to [1], the Focal loss is computed as follows: .. math:: \text{FL}(p_t) = -\alpha_t (1 - p_t)^{\gamma} \, \text{log}(p_t) where: - :math:`p_t` is the model's estimated probability for each class. Arguments: alpha (float): Weighting factor :math:`\alpha \in [0, 1]`. gamma (float): Focusing parameter :math:`\gamma >= 0`. reduction (str, optional): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output: ‘none’ | ‘mean’ | ‘sum’. ‘none’: no reduction will be applied, ‘mean’: the sum of the output will be divided by the number of elements in the output, ‘sum’: the output will be summed. Default: ‘none’. Shape: - Input: :math:`(N, C, H, W)` where C = number of classes. - Target: :math:`(N, H, W)` where each value is :math:`0 ≤ targets[i] ≤ C−1`. Examples: >>> N = 5 # num_classes >>> args = {"alpha": 0.5, "gamma": 2.0, "reduction": 'mean'} >>> loss = FocalLoss(*args) >>> x = torch.randn(1, N, 3, 5, requires_grad=True) >>> target = torch.empty(1, 3, 5, dtype=torch.long).random_(N) >>> output = loss(x, target) >>> output.backward() References: [1] """ def __init__(self, alpha=0.5, gamma=2.0, reduction='mean') -> None: super(FocalLoss, self).__init__() self.alpha = alpha self.gamma = gamma self.reduction = reduction
[docs] def forward(self, x, target): return focal_loss(x, target.long(), self.gamma, self.reduction)
[docs]class LossComputing: def __init__(self, targets, conditional=False, gamma_class=None, path_distrib_weights: str=None): self.targets = targets.copy() self.conditional = conditional if self.conditional: assert 'class' in self.targets, 'The conditional loss is defined based on particle type' assert gamma_class is not None, 'To mask loss, one must provide the class of gamma' self.gamma_class = gamma_class self.out_of_balancing = OutOfBalancing(targets) if path_distrib_weights is not None: self.distrib_weights = utils.DistributionW(path_distrib_weights) else: self.distrib_weights = None
[docs] def add_grad_penalty(self, loss): return NotImplementedError
[docs] def compute_loss(self, output, labels, module: LightningModule = None): loss = {} loss_data = {} if self.conditional: loss_mask = labels.get('class') loss_mask = loss_mask == self.gamma_class # 'targets' and 'output' must contain the same keys, but 'labels' may contain more elements, such as a domain # key referring to whether it belongs to the source and target datasets. Thus, we need to check if targets and # output keys are subset of the labels keys. assert (self.targets.keys() == output.keys()) and set(output.keys()).issubset(set(labels.keys())), \ 'All targets must have output and label but targets: {} \n outputs: {} ' \ '\n labels: {}'.format(self.targets.keys(), output.keys(), labels.keys()) for k, v in self.targets.items(): out = output[k] lab = labels[k] # Check dimensions if k in ['energy', 'direction', 'impact']: assert out.ndim == lab.ndim, 'output and label must have same number of dimensions for correct ' \ 'loss computation but are {} and {}'.format(out.ndim, lab.ndim) out_shape = self.targets[k].get('output_shape') lab_shape = self.targets[k].get('label_shape', out_shape) assert out.shape[-1] == out_shape, \ '{} output shape does not match settings, got {} instead of {}'.format(k, out.shape[-1], out_shape) assert lab.shape[-1] == lab_shape, \ '{} output shape does not match settings, got {} instead of {}'.format(k, lab.shape[-1], lab_shape) # Get loss loss_k = v['loss'](out, lab) # Apply weights based on distribution if self.distrib_weights is not None: if k in ['energy']: loss_k = self.distrib_weights.apply(loss_k, labels['energy']) # Compute masked loss if k in ['energy', 'direction', 'impact']: if self.conditional: loss_mask = assert loss_k.shape[0] == loss_mask.shape[0], 'loss should not be reduced for mask on particle type' \ 'but got {} and {}'.format(loss_k.shape, loss_mask.shape) if loss_k.dim() > 1: cond = [loss_mask.unsqueeze(1) for _ in range(loss_k.shape[1])] cond =, dim=1) else: cond = loss_mask assert loss_k.shape == cond.shape, \ 'loss and mask must have the same shape but are {} and {}'.format(loss_k.shape, cond.shape) loss_k = (loss_k * cond).sum() / cond.sum() if cond.sum() > 0 else \ torch.tensor(0., device=loss_k.device) if k in ['autoencoder']: loss_k = torch.mean(loss_k, dim=tuple(torch.arange(loss_k.dim())[1:])) loss_data[k] = loss_k.mean() loss[k] = loss_k.mean() else: loss_data[k] = loss_k.mean().detach().item() loss[k] = loss_k.mean() # Hand-designed loss weight. Requires to be out of the loss balancing scope. if len(self.out_of_balancing.targets) > 0: loss = self.out_of_balancing(loss, module) return loss, loss_data
[docs]class MovingAverageMetric: """ Compute the moving average of a metric. """ def __init__(self, window_size: int = 10): self.window_size = window_size self.average = None self.values = []
[docs] def update(self, value: torch.Tensor) -> None: """ Update the moving average. """ if self.average is None: self.average = value self.values = [self.average] * self.window_size else: self.values.append(value) self.values.pop(0) self.average = torch.stack(self.values).mean(dim=0)
[docs]class GradientToolBox: """ This class gathers some functions to calculate the gradients on a specified set of weights. Inspired from """ def __init__(self, targets: Dict[str, Dict], layer: str = None) -> None: self.targets = targets.copy() self.num_targets = len(self.targets) self.layer = layer self.parameters = None
[docs] def get_parameters(self): """ Returns the parameters. """ return self.parameters
[docs] def set_parameters(self, module: nn.Module): """ Set the parameters. """ assert self.layer is not None, 'The layer must be specified.' model = if isinstance(module, LightningModule) else module parameters = [(n, p) for n, p in model.named_parameters() if self.layer in n] assert parameters, 'No parameters found for layer {}.'.format(self.layer) _, self.parameters = parameters[-1]
[docs] def initialize_gradients(self): return torch.zeros(self.num_targets, 1)
[docs] def compute_gradients(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor: """ Compute the gradients on the set shared weights. """ assert self.get_parameters() is not None, 'The parameters must be set before computing the gradients.' gradients = [] for k in self.targets.keys(): gradients.append(torch.autograd.grad(outputs=loss[k], inputs=self.get_parameters(), retain_graph=True, # Allows to use .backward() multiple times create_graph=True, # Allows to compute the gradients of the gradnorm weights allow_unused=True, # Allows to compute the gradients in the multi-task scenario )[0].flatten()) return torch.stack(gradients)
[docs]class MultiLossBalancing(nn.Module): """ Generic function for loss balancing. Parameters ---------- targets: (dict) The loss dictionary defining for every objective of the experiment the loss function Returns ------- """ def __init__(self, targets: Dict[str, Dict], balancing: bool = True, requires_gradients: bool = False, layer: str = None): super().__init__() if requires_gradients: assert layer is not None, 'If requires_gradients is True, the layer must be specified.' self.targets = targets.copy() self.weights = None self.weights_dict = {} # To log using callbacks self.gradient = None self.gradients_dict = {} # To log using callbacks self.requires_gradients = requires_gradients # Whether to compute the gradients self.device = None self.layer = layer self.gtb = GradientToolBox(self.targets, layer) if self.requires_gradients else None for k, v in targets.items(): if balancing: # For automatic weighting strategy if not v.get('mt_balancing', False): # Only keep targets with parameter 'mt_balancing' set to True self.targets.pop(k) # Discard it else: pass # Keep it else: # For manual weighting strategy if v.get('mt_balancing', False): # Only keep targets with parameter 'mt_balancing' set to False self.targets.pop(k) # Discard it else: pass # Keep it def _set_device(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> None: if self.device is None: self.device = next(iter(loss.values())).device def _set_layer(self, module: LightningModule) -> None: """ Set the layer of the network from the given name. """ if self.gtb is not None: self.gtb.set_parameters(module) def _setup(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], module: LightningModule) -> None: """ Optional and method-dependent. """ pass def _i(self, module: LightningModule) -> int: """ The current iteration. """ return module.trainer.fit_loop.total_batch_idx def _is_first_iter(self, module: LightningModule) -> bool: """ Whether it is the first iteration of the training. """ return self._i(module) == 0 def _is_training(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> bool: """ Whether it is the training or the validation mode. During validation, the requires_grad attribute is set to False. """ return all([loss_k.requires_grad for loss_k in loss.values()]) def _weights_compute(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], module: LightningModule = None) -> None: """ Mandatory and method-dependent. """ return NotImplementedError def _weights_apply(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: weighted_loss = loss.copy() for i, k in enumerate(self.targets.keys()): weighted_loss[k] = self.weights[i] * loss[k] return weighted_loss def _weights_update(self) -> None: for i, k in enumerate(self.targets.keys()): self.weights_dict[k] = self.weights[i].clone().detach() def _gradients_compute(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> None: if self._is_training(loss): self.gradients = self.gtb.compute_gradients(loss).to(self.device) else: self.gradients = self.gtb.initialize_gradients().to(self.device) def _gradients_update(self) -> None: for i, k in enumerate(self.targets.keys()): self.gradients_dict[k] = self.gradients[i].clone().detach()
[docs] def forward(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], module: LightningModule = None) -> dict: self._set_device(loss) self._set_layer(module) self._setup(loss, module) if self.requires_gradients: self._gradients_compute(loss) self._gradients_update() self._weights_compute(loss, module) self._weights_update() return self._weights_apply(loss)
[docs]class GradNorm(MultiLossBalancing): """ From the article GradNorm: Gradient Normalization for Adaptive Loss Balancing in Deep Multitask Networks ( The method consists in computing the gradients of the loss with respect to the shared weights and then compute the norm of the gradients. The weights are then updated according to the norm of the gradients. Inspired from """ def __init__(self, targets: Dict[str, Dict], alpha: float = 1.0, layer: nn.Module = None, requires_gradients: bool = True): super().__init__(targets=targets, balancing=True, requires_gradients=requires_gradients, layer=layer) assert alpha > 0, "Parameter alpha of GradNorm must be strictly positive" self.alpha = alpha self.weights = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(len(self.targets))) # exp(0) = 1 self.L_grad = torch.tensor(0., requires_grad=True) self.tracker_g = None # Gradient norms self.tracker_r = None # Relative inverse training rate self.tracker_k = None # The constant of the L_grad objective function self.tracker_l = None # The relative loss self.tracker_l0 = None # The initial loss self.tracker_lgrad = None # The L_grad objective function def _setup(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], module: LightningModule) -> None: if self._is_first_iter(module) and self._is_training(loss): self.l0 = torch.stack([loss[k].clone().detach() for k in loss.keys()]).to(self.device) def _weights_compute(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], module: LightningModule) -> None: if self._is_training(loss): self._weights_normalize() weights_exp = self._t(self.weights) # Compute the norm of the gradient of each task wrt to the last shared layer G = torch.mul(weights_exp.view(-1, 1), self.gradients.detach()).norm(dim=1, p=2) # Compute the relative inverse training rate loss_ratio = torch.div(torch.Tensor(list(loss.values())).to(self.device), self.l0) r = torch.div(loss_ratio, loss_ratio.mean()) # Compute the gradient gradients constant = torch.mul(G.mean(), torch.pow(r, self.alpha)).detach() L_grad = torch.sub(G, constant).norm(p=1) self.L_grad = L_grad # Track the values self.tracker_g = {k: G[i].detach() for i, k in enumerate(loss.keys())} self.tracker_r = {k: r[i].detach() for i, k in enumerate(loss.keys())} self.tracker_k = {k: constant[i].detach() for i, k in enumerate(loss.keys())} self.tracker_l = {k: loss_ratio[i].detach() for i, k in enumerate(loss.keys())} self.tracker_l0 = {k: self.l0[i].detach() for i, k in enumerate(loss.keys())} self.tracker_lgrad = L_grad.detach() def _t(self, weight: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Exponantial transformation of the weights using w_i = exp(w_i) to ensure the weights are positive. """ return torch.exp(weight) def _weights_normalize(self) -> None: """ Normalize the weights using c*exp(x) = exp(log(c)+x). """ with torch.no_grad(): c = torch.div(len(self.targets), self._t(self.weights).sum()) for i in range(len(self.targets)): self.weights[i] = self.weights[i].clone() + torch.log(c).detach() def _weights_apply(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: weighted_loss = loss.copy() for i, k in enumerate(self.targets.keys()): weighted_loss[k] = self._t(self.weights[i]) * loss[k] weighted_loss['gradnorm'] = self.L_grad return weighted_loss
[docs]class UncertaintyWeighting(MultiLossBalancing): r""" Create the function to compute the loss in case of multi regression experiment with homoscedastic uncertainty loss balancing. See the paper In the paper the total loss is defined as: .. math:: \text{L}(W,\sigma_1,\sigma_2,...,\sigma_i) = \sum_i \frac{1}{2\sigma_i}^2 \text{L}_i + \text{log}\sigma_i^2 but in as: .. math:: \text{L}(W,\sigma_1,\sigma_2,...,\sigma_i) = \sum_i \frac{1}{\sigma_i}^2 \text{L}_i + \text{log}\sigma_i^2 -1 should not make a big difference. However, we introduce log_var_coefficients and penalty to let the user choose: .. math:: \text{L} = \sum_i \frac{1}{\{log_var_coefficients}\sigma_i}^2 \text{L}_i + \text{log}\sigma_i^2 -\text{penalty} Parameters ---------- targets (dict): The loss dictionary defining for every objective of the experiment the loss function and its initial log_var Returns ------- The function to compute the loss """ def __init__(self, targets: Dict[str, Dict], log_var_coefficients: list = None, penalty: int = 0, requires_gradients: bool = False, layer: str = None): super().__init__(targets=targets, balancing=True, requires_gradients=requires_gradients, layer=layer) self.weights = torch.Tensor(torch.ones(len(self.targets))) self.log_vars = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(len(self.targets)), requires_grad=True) self.penalty = penalty if log_var_coefficients is None: # If the log var coefficients have not been initialized in the experiment setting file, initialize them to 1 self.log_var_coefficients = torch.ones(self.log_vars.shape) else: self.log_var_coefficients = torch.tensor(log_var_coefficients) assert len(self.log_vars) == len(self.log_var_coefficients), \ 'The number of log variance coefficients must be equal to the number of log variances.' def _weights_compute(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], module: LightningModule) -> None: for i in range(len(self.targets)): self.weights[i] = (torch.exp(-self.log_vars[i]) * self.log_var_coefficients[i]).to(self.device) def _weights_apply(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: weighted_loss = loss.copy() for i, k in enumerate(self.targets.keys()): weighted_loss[k] = (torch.exp(-self.log_vars[i]) * self.log_var_coefficients[i]) * loss[k] + self.log_vars[i] - self.penalty return weighted_loss
[docs]class RandomLossWeighting(MultiLossBalancing): """ From the article Reasonable Effectiveness of Random Weighting: A Litmus Test for Multi-Task Learning ( The method consists in assigning a random weight to each task drawn from a normal distribution. The random weight is recomputed at each iteration. Implementation inspired from """ def __init__(self, targets: Dict[str, Dict], requires_gradients: bool = False, layer: str = None): super().__init__(targets=targets, balancing=True, requires_gradients=requires_gradients, layer=layer) def _weights_compute(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], module: LightningModule) -> None: self.weights = F.softmax(torch.randn(len(self.targets)), dim=-1).to(self.device)
[docs]class EqualWeighting(MultiLossBalancing): """ Assigned the same weight to all the losses. """ def __init__(self, targets: Dict[str, Dict], requires_gradients: bool = False, layer: str = None): super().__init__(targets=targets, balancing=True, requires_gradients=requires_gradients, layer=layer) self.weights = torch.Tensor([1. / len(self.targets)] * len(self.targets)) def _weights_compute(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], module: LightningModule) -> None: pass
[docs]class ManualWeighting(MultiLossBalancing): """ Manual weighting of the loss. These hyperparameters must be defined in the targets dictionary of the experiment setting file. """ def __init__(self, targets: Dict[str, Dict], requires_gradients: bool = False, layer: str = None) -> None: super().__init__(targets=targets, balancing=True, requires_gradients=requires_gradients, layer=layer) self.weights = torch.Tensor([1.] * len(self.targets)) # Equal 1. by default def _weights_compute(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], module: LightningModule) -> None: for i, v in enumerate(self.targets.values()): if v.get('loss_weight', None) is not None: # If specified if isinstance(v['loss_weight'], utils.BaseW): # If follows some strategy if not v['loss_weight'].apply_on_grads: self.weights[i] = v['loss_weight'].get_weight(module.trainer) else: self.weights[i] = v['loss_weight']
[docs]class OutOfBalancing(MultiLossBalancing): """ Manual weighting of the loss when mt_balancing is set to False. These hyperparameters must be defined in the targets dictionary of the experiment setting file. """ def __init__(self, targets: Dict[str, Dict], requires_gradients: bool = False, layer: str = None) -> None: super().__init__(targets=targets, balancing=False, requires_gradients=requires_gradients, layer=layer) self.weights = torch.Tensor([1.] * len(self.targets)) # Equal 1. by default def _weights_compute(self, loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], module: LightningModule) -> None: for i, v in enumerate(self.targets.values()): if v.get('loss_weight', None) is not None: # If specified if isinstance(v['loss_weight'], utils.BaseW): # If follows some strategy if not v['loss_weight'].apply_on_grads: self.weights[i] = v['loss_weight'].get_weight(module.trainer) else: self.weights[i] = v['loss_weight']
[docs]class DANNLoss(nn.Module): """ Implementation of the Domain Adversarial Neural Networl (DANN) loss. From the DANN article Parameters ---------- training_class: (dict) The dict of all the classes that trigger the training of the domain classifier. If set to None, no domain conditional is applied. In the LST dataset, MC labels are processed using the particle dictionary defined in the experiment settings, however the real labels remain the same. gamma: (int) If gamma is not None, the weight associated to the loss is computed according to the lambda_p strategy. """ def __init__(self, training_class: list = None, gamma: int = None): super().__init__() self.loss_domain_mask = None if training_class is not None: assert isinstance(training_class, list), 'training class parameter must be of type list, got {} ' \ 'instead'.format(type(training_class)) for c in training_class: assert isinstance(c, int), '{} must be of type int, got {} instead'.format(c, type(c)) self.training_class = training_class self.domain_conditional = True else: self.domain_conditional = False if gamma is not None: assert isinstance(gamma, int), 'gamma parameter must be of type int, got {} instead'.format(type(gamma)) self.loss_weight = utils.ExponentialW(apply_on_grads=True, gamma=gamma) else: self.loss_weight = 1. self.criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
[docs] @staticmethod def fetch_domain_conditional_from_targets(targets: dict) -> bool: """ In DANN training and validation steps, check if domain conditional is True. If it is, the step functions will update the domain loss mask at each iteration. Parameters ---------- targets: (dict) The experiment setting targets dictionary. """ if targets.get('domain_class', None) is not None: domain_loss = targets.get('domain_class')['loss'] if isinstance(domain_loss, DANNLoss): return domain_loss.domain_conditional return False
[docs] @staticmethod def set_domain_loss_mask_from_targets(targets: dict, labels: torch.Tensor) -> None: """ Update the domain loss mask at each iteration of the training and validation steps from the experiment setting targets variable. Parameters ---------- targets: (dict) The experiment setting targets dictionary. labels: (torch.Tensor) The ground truth class labels. """ targets['domain_class']['loss'].set_domain_loss_mask(labels)
[docs] def set_domain_loss_mask(self, labels: torch.Tensor) -> None: """ Update the domain loss mask if domain conditional is True. Parameters ---------- labels: (torch.Tensor) The ground truth class labels. """ if self.domain_conditional: self.loss_domain_mask = torch.Tensor([1 if x in self.training_class else 0 for x in labels]) else: self.domain_conditional = False
[docs] def forward(self, output: torch.Tensor, labels: torch.Tensor): """ DANN loss function. Parameters ---------- output: (torch.Tensor) The model's output. labels: (torch.Tensor) The ground truth domain labels. """ # The loss associated to the source and the loss associated to the target are computed separately as the domain # conditional requires to mask the source loss only (targets are considered as unlabelled real data) loss = self.criterion(output, labels) if self.loss_domain_mask is not None and self.domain_conditional: loss_mask = loss = (loss * loss_mask).sum() / loss_mask.sum() if loss_mask.sum() > 0 else \ torch.tensor(0., device=loss.device) return loss
[docs]class DeepJDOTLoss(nn.Module): """ Implementation of the Wasserstein loss using the Optimal Transport theory. From the DeepJDOT article """ def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def forward(self, latent_features_source: torch.Tensor, latent_features_target: torch.Tensor): latent_features_source = latent_features_source.view(latent_features_source.shape[0], -1) latent_features_target = latent_features_target.view(latent_features_target.shape[0], -1) cost = torch.cdist(latent_features_source, latent_features_target, p=2) ** 2 # ||g(x_i^s) - g(x_j^t)||² gamma = torch.tensor(ot.emd(ot.unif(latent_features_source.shape[0]), ot.unif(latent_features_target.shape[0]), cost.detach().cpu().numpy()), dtype=torch.float32).to(cost.device) loss = (gamma * cost).sum() loss = torch.tensor(0.) if torch.isnan(loss) else loss return loss
[docs]class DeepCORALLoss(nn.Module): """ Implementation of the CORAL loss. From the DeepCORAL article Parameters ---------- """ def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def forward(self, ds: torch.Tensor, dt: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: ds = ds.flatten(start_dim=1) # Source features of size [ns, d] dt = dt.flatten(start_dim=1) # Target features of size [nt, d] mean = (ds.mean(0) - dt.mean(0)).pow(2).mean() cov = (ds.T.cov() - dt.T.cov()).pow(2).mean() return mean + cov
[docs]class GaussianKernel(nn.Module): """ Gaussian kernel matrix. This implementation is inspired from Parameters ---------- alpha: (float) magnitude of the variance of the Gaussian """ def __init__(self, alpha: torch.float32): super(GaussianKernel, self).__init__() self.alpha = alpha
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Parameters ---------- x: (torch.Tensor) the first input feature vector of size (batch_size, feature_size). y: (torch.Tensor) the second input feature vector of size (batch_size, feature_size). Returns ------- The kernel value of size (batch_size, batch_size). """ l2_dist = torch.cdist(x, y) sigma_square = self.alpha * torch.mean(l2_dist.detach()) return torch.exp(-l2_dist / (2. * sigma_square))
[docs]class MKMMDLoss(nn.Module): """ Implementation of the Multiple Kernel Mean Maximum Discrepancy loss. This implementation is inspired from Parameters ---------- kernels: (list(GaussianKernel)) The list of kernels to apply. Currently, only Gaussian kernels are implemented. If kernels is None, then it is instantiated as GaussianKernel(alpha=2**k) for k in range(-3, 2). """ def __init__(self, kernels: List[GaussianKernel] = None): super(MKMMDLoss, self).__init__() if kernels is None: self.kernels = [GaussianKernel(alpha=2**k) for k in range(-3, 2)] else: self.kernels = kernels
[docs] def forward(self, xs: torch.Tensor, xt: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: xs = xs.flatten(start_dim=1) # Source features of size (batch_size, d) xt = xt.flatten(start_dim=1) # Target features of size (batch_size, d) batch_size = xs.shape[0] kernel_matrix = [] for kernel in self.kernels: kxx = kernel(xs, xs) # k(xi, xj) kyy = kernel(xt, xt) # k(yi, yj) kxy = kernel(xs, xt) # k(xi, yj) # According to "A Kernel Two-Sample Test" by A. Gretton, the unbiased estimator of MMD is computed as: hzz = kxx + kyy - 2. * kxy # h(zi,zj) := k(xi, xj) + k(yi, yj) − k(xi, yj) − k(xj, yi) kernel_matrix.append(hzz) # Add up the contribution of each kernel kernel_matrix = sum(kernel_matrix) # Compute the loss loss = torch.sqrt(kernel_matrix.sum() / (batch_size * (batch_size - 1.))) loss = torch.tensor(0.) if torch.isnan(loss) else loss return loss